SHANTI KUMUD HOSPITAL provides the best Orthopedic Treatments. Orthopedics is a branch of medicine that focuses on the treatment of bones and muscles. Orthopedic surgery is the branch of medicine that deals with diseases, injuries, and conditions of the musculoskeletal system, which includes the muscles and skeleton of the body. Joints, ligaments, tendons, and nerves are all included. Your doctor or other medical specialists and healthcare providers may treat orthopedic conditions. At the same time, several doctors from various medical specialties may be involved in the treatment. This approach is critical for managing the symptoms of an orthopedic condition, particularly because many symptoms are long-term (chronic) and change over time. This doctor is an orthopedic surgeon. They are also known as orthopedists. Orthopedists are trained to understand the musculoskeletal system. They can identify bone, muscle, joint, tendon, and ligament problems. They can also treat an injury, provide rehabilitation (rehab), and advise on how to keep a diseased area from getting worse.