SHANTI KUMUD HOSPITAL provides the best Laser Treatment for Fistula. Because of its benefits and effectiveness, laser surgery for anal fistula is gaining popularity in India. A precise amount of laser energy is introduced into the fistula tract via the thin laser probe during the laser procedure. Fistula tissues are destroyed after the laser is inserted, and the laser probe is pulled back, closing the tract. By leaving the healthy tissues intact, the procedure takes only a few minutes. The laser treatment for fistula recovery is noticeably quick and painless. Laser treatment for fistula recovery is quick and painless. Because it is a minimally invasive daycare procedure, the patient can go home the same day. After 2-3 days, the patient can resume normal activities. Do not engage in any strenuous activities unless instructed to do so by your doctor. Although there are no dietary restrictions, for a few days after the fistula laser surgery, follow the diet chart provided by the surgeon.