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OBS GYNAE Treatment

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OBS GYNAE Treatment
05 Sep

OBS GYNAE Treatment

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An obstetrician-gynaecologist, sometimes known as an OB-GYN, is a medical specialist in issues relating to female reproductive health. The benign tumour leiomyoma of the uterus, also known as fibromyoma or fibroid uterus, is primarily made of smooth muscle tissue and varying amounts of fibrous connective tissue. In 20% of women in the reproductive age group, it is the most prevalent uterine tumour. One of the most frequent reasons for hysterectomy and the cause of one-third of all hospital admissions for gynaecology services are leiomyomas. 2 Older, obese, nulliparous women are more likely to have fibroids in their uteri, especially those who have a family history of the condition. There are several forms of myoma, including subserous, intramural, and submucous, depending on where the tumour is located in the uterus.

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