Laser proctology refers to the treatment of diseases of the colon, anus and rectum via laser application. Haemorrhoids, fistulas, fissures, polyps and Pilonidal Sinus are a few diseases that are effectively treated using laser techniques. Laser treatment for piles and fissures is increasingly used to successfully treat them in both men and women. Laser (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) is a high-energy light that is used to safely cut or burn the affected tissue during surgical procedures. The laser techniques are advanced and safer than before; they are scar-free, bloodless and less painful with fewer complications. Laser surgery or laser therapy is a day-care procedure that offers several advantages over traditional surgery. Compared to banding surgery, laser effectively treats hemorrhoids, improves symptoms and reduces post-operative pain. Similar benefits are seen for patients with severe anal spasms, external thrombosis, fissure, and sentinel tags, fistula & varicose veins due to ever-growing advantages.
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