Laser proctology is the use of a laser to treat diseases of the colon, rectum, and anus. Hemorrhoids, fissures, fistulas, pilonidal sinuses, and polyps are all common conditions treated with laser proctology. The technique is becoming more popular for treating piles in both men and women. A laser (Light Amplification by Stimulated Radiation) is a high-energy light beam. This light beam is used to burn or cut the abnormality that caused the surgery. Laser techniques are now much more advanced and safer; they leave no scars, are bloodless, and are less painful. They also result in fewer complications. Laser surgery is an outpatient or day-care procedure that has numerous advantages over traditional surgery. For example, the laser technique not only more effectively treats hemorrhoids but also reduces post-operative pain. It also alleviates symptoms following surgeries that were not intended to completely cure the patient.
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